Patient-centric solutions
Hekma Open Square​
Our Open Square is a marketplace for hospitals and pharma to connect privately and securely, enabling patients to participate in clinical trials globally. This marketplace is a groundbreaking platform designed to connect under-represented and diverse patients with eager pharma looking to conduct patient trials
Scan & Find
Hekma secure AI platform deployed @ Hospital
Patient2Trials and Trial2Patients, Hekma provides qualified patient profiles
Pharma gets intelligent insight about patients and new clinical sites
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Hekma pENG
Patient retention during clinical trials has a pivotal role in the success of a trial. The Hekma Trial Follow-Through program keeps the patients engaged from Onboarding to Completion, reducing drop-off rates and a proactive engagement
Our robust patient engagement process features a specialized software that keeps track of vital keynotes, giving patients an unprecedented level of control, security, and comfort
Hekma Predict
Hekma AI Disease Prediction Catalog analyzes patients medical records and foretells early signs of specific life-threatening diseases. By scanning electronic health data & PGHD, Hekma Predict acts as a predictive model, aiding medical professionals as they assist patients who may be at risk of diseases such as Diabetes, Cancer and Alzheimer's, even before they become prevalent
We speed up diagnosis and reduce countless test and physician/specialist visits. Average time to diagnose a rare disease is 7.6 years and Alzheimers can only be definitely diagnosed after death. We identify Trends, Patterns and Outliers for early signals
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Human 360
Our process revolves around patients. With our Human 360 feature, we combine the power of artificial intelligence with a sharpened attention to detail to generate truly comprehensive patient medical histories for trial participants
A complete 360o patient profile build through data mining of EHR, PGHD and QoL using AI and Deep learning
Organizes fragmented EHR, wearable and IOT data to track signs, symptoms, biomarkers, diagnosis, treatments and behavioral patterns for just in time critical decision making
With our Patient2Trials AI engine, you as a patient now readily have access to ongoing Clinical Trials that are precisely matched based on your personalized Medical profile
To ensure the safety and precision of clinical trials, we deliver detailed chronicles of patient’s journeys and activity tracking. Insight data from wearable devices that closely monitor patient status points like heart rate and sleep patterns guarantee that subsequent Clinical Trials transpire under the most ideal conditions
Join our diverse network of patients and help transform lives